266: Rising to your potential and shattering Average W James Silvas -


266: Rising to your potential and shattering Average W James Silvas

August 9, 2023

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5 mindset shifts to make right away
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be that 1% podcast

Hey there, I'm James Silvas. Host of the Be That 1% Podcast and Peak Performance Coach. 

Currently on Season 6 
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Title: Rising to your potential & shattering average 


Managing time and priorities effectively is a challenge that many individuals face in their personal and professional lives. It requires careful planning, organization, and self-awareness to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and that one’s energy and attention are focused on the most important areas. 

In this episode, our guest James Silvas, an International Mindset Specialist and Peak Performance Coach, discusses the importance of clearing the mind, breaking through fear, and optimizing performance in both personal and professional lives and shares his grounded and clear approach to enhancing productivity and offers practical tips for listeners to apply in their own lives. 

James has dedicated his life to helping athletes, leaders, and high-performing teams optimize their performance and enhance the quality of their personal and professional lives. He shares invaluable insights on how to overcome fear and step into your full potential and provides practical strategies and ancient wisdom that will empower you to push past your comfort zone and achieve greatness.

We also dive deep into the importance of mental clarity and how it can impact your overall performance. James discusses techniques and tools to help you declutter your mind, find your flow state, and unlock your true potential. He opens up about his journey as an entrepreneur and how he manages his time effectively, and he also shares practical tips on prioritization, building passive income streams, and finding balance in both personal and professional life.

He emphasizes the importance of self-actualization and the journey toward becoming a heart-centered leader. He encourages listeners to embrace a new paradigm of leadership, one that combines raw lessons, ancient wisdom, and practical steps to reach their fullest potential. His personal story highlights the power of blending drive, discipline, and nurturing qualities to cultivate success.

This episode is truly a game-changer, providing valuable insights and strategies for personal growth and leadership.

Key Takeaways

[00:01:56] Triggered by a powerful presence.

[00:05:43] Cultivating strength and resiliency.

[00:07:46] Being told to be a psychologist.

[00:11:58] Be that one percent.

[00:14:15] Child rearing and support.

[00:17:30] Parenting and unconditional love.

[00:22:26] Changing the world.

[00:23:48] Leading and transferring leadership.

[00:27:11] The power of immediate connection.

[00:31:05] Pouring love into everything.

[00:34:23] Transitioning and intentional time management.

[00:38:30] Playing the long game.

[00:41:34] Leadership and family communication.

[00:43:45] Communication and gratitude in relationships.

[00:44:51] Importance of feedback for growth.

[00:50:22] Coaching vs. being a husband.

[00:52:08] Being present in relationships.

[00:56:30] Slow down to speed up.

Memorable Quotes

“And I wake up every day trying to deepen the mastery of this craft, which is connection and helping people get out of their own way and become their own best friends so they can live life on their terms.” [00:12:45] – James Silvas

“How do you know if you’re going to grow? You need feedback. How do you know if you did good? You need feedback. How do you know if you’re wrong? You need feedback. Like no matter what you do, if you want to grow, you need feedback. There’s just no way of getting around it. ” [00:45:37] – James Silvas

Connect with Carissa: 

IG: @CarissaJohnsen 

Podcast: Transcendent Leadership 

Connect with James 

IG: @James_Silvas 

TikTok: JamesSilvas

Web: BeThatOnePercent.com

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