Estimated Read Time: 15 – 20 Minutes
Overview: The authors reflections from the Las Vegas massacre shooting on Oct 1st.
I’m born and raised in Las Vegas. The majority of my family lives here and I technically call Las Vegas home but I’ve always had a deep yearning to leave and get the heck out of Vegas and this heat.
Then Oct 1st happened.
Having close friends affected by Largest Massacre in US’s Modern History and experiencing this city at its lowest point … made something shift inside me.
Now more than ever, I’m proud to call myself a ‘Vegas Girl.’ Las Vegas is my home and I am, for the first time ever, proud to say that. I may leave Vegas one day but that’s no longer my focus. My focus now is how I can love more on the Las Vegas community and make the most of my time in this amazing city with its amazing people.
Things can change fast and out of the blue. I mean every time you turn the corner here you’re like when did that go up? When did that get remodeled. Las Vegas is ever changing, evolving, and growing.
Changing. Evolving. Growing.
Something I constantly try embody and without realizing it, that’s what Las Vegas does at it’s core.
This city has moldedme into the person I am. When I tell people that aren’t from Vegas that I was born and raised here – they go, What!? I can’t imagine growing up there.
And I think … I can’t imagine NOT growing up here!
I can’t imagine not riding my bike up and down Forestdale Court in Henderson. I can’t imagine not going to Green Valley High School and taking a party bus up and down the strip on Homecoming Night. I can’t imagine not playing at Wet N Wild all summer long as a kid, I can’t imagine not having attended UNLV and being heavily involved on campus. I can’t imagine not having worked on the strip and meeting people from all over the world. I can’t imagine not having seen this city grow to what it is today.
You ask what was it like to grow up here? I say, what was it like to grow up NOT here!?
Las Vegas is 1 in a billion cities.
Most places you travel, you can say oh this city reminds me of FILL IN THE BLANK and this small town totally reminds me of that small town. But you can’t say that of Las Vegas.
We have some the greatest of greats come to our city. Stay here, perform here, and speak here. Not many can say that.
When getting empowered to write why I think Las Vegas is 1 in a Billion … I decided to google Las Vegas and it’s rankings.
And I was disappointed.
I was disappointed reading what others opinions had to say of our city.
So I decided to come up with my own list because people need to know we’re more than just a 4.2 mile street of attractions.
Las Vegas people are people with vision; we have the ability to see something greater and better, that others might call crazy. Later those same people who called us “crazies” call us visionaries. We’re able to create memorable experiences for people. We’re full of small business owners making an impact, we’re full of nonprofits making a difference, and communities caring greatly for others.
We embrace change, we embrace diversity, and we embrace people.
AND when we get hit hard we bounce back stronger!
We are ….
Ranked Top 10 Diverse cities in the nation.
11th quickest developing metropolitan zone, as indicated by Forbes.
Clark County is 3rd in the nation for population growth.
Have 46,375 new residents this past year
2.2 million in the Las Vegas Metropolitan area
Henderson is ranked 2nd as safest US cities
Rank Top 3 Destinations in the US claiming more AAA Five Diamond hotels than any other city in the world – because we keep raising the bar and keep our standards high.
Las Vegas Strip is the brightest spot on the earth from space. We truly shine bright in the darkness.
That being said, remember to be the light in the dark. (Something we preach here at Be That 1%)
You not only live in a 1 in a billion city … but you yourself are 1 in a billion.
Be thankful for that and be grateful you’re alive reading this today.
Make the most of your life. Know it is precious.
Let me ask you this …
What is 1 thing you know you need to be doing, but you’re not doing?
How can you connect to what you’re meant to do?
How many times have you gone against your intuition?
And is the story you’re telling yourself working or finding you unhappy?
Remember you’re 1 in a billion.
No one can compare to you, replace you, or replicate you.
No one can compete against you but you.
Start living what you were meant to do because you’re able to.
At this moment you get to breath in … and breath out…
Some are not fortunate enough to be in your shoes. Honor those who have lost their lives and live yours.
Live it with purpose. Live it with passion. Live it with impact.
This article is dedicated to one of our bloggers > Britany Maxwell who was shot during the massacre. She is recovering fine 🙂 READ HER BLOG POST HERE
If you resonate with our BE THAT 1% mission – come join us October 21st in Las Vegas. My husband, James Silvas will be speaking alongside some incredible, good hearted people. Our goal with this event is to show what it is possible for you, for you to take some time for yourself, rejuvenate and focus within. Ticket proceeds go towards sponsoring homeless teens from HELP of Southern Nevada & Street Teens to attend the event for free. Come join us if you’re in town.
at check out for $50 off tickets!

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