033: Why Belief Systems Shape Your Status Quo -


033: Why Belief Systems Shape Your Status Quo

May 30, 2018

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be that 1% podcast

Hey there, I'm James Silvas. Host of the Be That 1% Podcast and Peak Performance Coach. 

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Welcome to the Be That 1% Podcast Experience!

Welcome to episode 33 where we challenge you to take a look at your belief systems and ask yourself whether or not you are living in alignment with your truth. This episode will leave you with some powerful concepts to think about and questions to ask yourself as you move forward on your journey towards becoming your own 1%.

Key Take Aways 

  • If you’re ever going to get the things that you want in your life, you’re going to have to elevate your thinking by changing the beliefs that do not serve you.
  • When you live your truth, you start attracting people who believe in the same truth
  • Growth is beneficial for every area of our lives, not just business or career.
  • Ask yourself important questions such as: 
    • What is the deep rooted why behind everything you want in your life?
    • Are your beliefs your own, or have they been imposed on you by others?

Time Stamped Show Notes

  • (00:55) Ways we do not live life on our terms
  • (05:35) What is status quo?
  • (09:23) Amanda and James share what would have happened if they had followed the status quo
  • (12:01) Why it’s important to challenge the status quo
  • (13:08) Amanda’s discovery when she explored her own belief systems
  • (15:12) How to begin finding your own quo.
  • (20:55) Why should someone challenge their status quo?
  • (22:42) Amanda gets vulnerable about why challenging her quo has been essential for her life and business
  • (25:37) A powerful reminder James experienced on the importance of speaking our truth.
  • (30:50) Beliefs that we have formed that we can/should challenge

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