040: How To Live Intentionally with Carly Benson -


040: How To Live Intentionally with Carly Benson

July 18, 2018

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be that 1% podcast

Hey there, I'm James Silvas. Host of the Be That 1% Podcast and Peak Performance Coach. 

Currently on Season 6 
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Welcome to the Be That 1% Podcast Experience!

Welcome to episode 40 with Carly Benson who is a recovery and holistic life coach, yoga instructor, event curator, podcast host, and writer. In this episode Carly shares with us her passion for living intentionally, the path she was headed down before she realized she was meant to accomplish more in life, and how having a willingness to want more for yourself is more important than having willpower.

Key Take Aways 

  • Everyone struggles with the “what are people going to think” syndrome
  • Being intentional means being honest
  • “It’s not about willpower, it’s about willingness”
  • Living a life out of the norm takes doing what 99% of people won’t do
  • The more you set intentions, the more clear you will become about the path you’re headed down
  • You have to be able to cheer for yourself

Time Stamped Show Notes

  • (00:54) Amanda talks about Joyride and introduces Carly
  • (06:29) Amanda brings Carly on
  • (08:35) Carly talks about her path towards sobriety
  • (17:29) People who have inspired Carly
  • (21:53) What Carly felt resistance towards at the beginning of her journey
  • (31:35) How Carly teaches others to live more intentionally
  • (35:37) Things that Carly did to become more self disciplined
  • (41:25) Carly shares a profound moment that ties into the Be That 1% concept
  • (47:12) What sparked Carly to go down a path of studying and teaching yoga
  • (58:20) Some common themes Carly has found to help her continue leveling up
  • (1:09:26) How To Connect with Carly
  • (1:11:25) What Be That 1% means to Carly
  • (1:13:00) Why people have trouble stepping into their own 1%
  • (1:14:40) Carly’s vision of the future

Connect with Carly

carly benson MAB coaching

Instagram: @CarlyBBenson

Podcast: Regroup Podcast


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