Video Clip Watch Time: 1min 57seconds
Full Interview Watch Time: 56min 59seconds
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Derek Perdue is a National Master & Celebrity Trainer, Certified Nutritionist, Trains in Diet, Physical Training and Prep Coaching for competitions, in addition he is a Protein House sponsored Athlete.
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Social Media @derekperdue8
Interview Clip Video Notes
“I’m going to bring up the point of me being causative in my environment rather than the effect. So you have a stream, okay? In the woods. And that stream, is the cause. And the effect of the stream is a river way, way down.
I want to be the stream. I want to be causative. I don’t want to be the effect. I’ll give you my experience that I spoke about earlier with the guy that I was in business with. I completely became at the effect of him. He did this, I had to move like this. I was not causative.
So, I want to be causative in my space and in my environment. Kind of like I said about who I want in my environment. I am creating, I’m being causative about who I let in my environment, therefore I am not the effect of somebody that is may have counter intentions towards me.
Does that make sense? Yes, and surrounding yourself with other causative people, in essence other streams which all come to the effect of this massive impact. Absolutely! That’s what it is.
So I love other causative people. Right? Because more times than not somebody that is really causative has positive intentions with whatever they’re doing, it doesn’t make a difference. But when you become the effect of something, you’re at the effect.
It’s whatever is going on you’re not controlling your environment. So, I think that’s HUGE for me. Cause and Effect. I like to be causative.” – Derek Perdue
Watch Full Video with Derek Perdue and Be That 1% Founder, James Silvas
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