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131: What “Self-Made” Really Means

In today’s episode, James talks about the idea of being “Self-Made”. 


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Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

In today’s episode, James finishes the leadership series with Characteristic/Trait #5 of great leaders- the power of reframing.

Reframing is all about controlling the meaning of an experience. How you look at something and the meaning you assign to that situation, determines the actions you take or don’t take. 

We are always thinking and speaking from a certain frame.  These frames can be the reason why you don’t achieve the goals you set out to do. As a leader, being intentional and skillful with reframing thoughts and behaviors, you’ll be able to help yourself  and your team take massive action and create more success in your business and life. 

129: How Leaders Shift A Mindset


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Ever feel like you don’t want to do the task you know you need to do? Do Any of these moments sound familiar? 

I know I need to go to the gym… but I don’t WANT to go. 
I know I need to have the hard conversation… but I don’t WANT to.
I know I need to save/invest my money… but I want to go to that concert, get that car, go on that vacation. 
There is always going to be a moment in your life where you don’t want to take action… in this episode James talks about how he handles these situations.

128: How to TAKE ACTION when you don’t WANT to


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In today’s episode, James continues the leadership series with Characteristic/Trait #4 of great leaders- the power of a vision and a purpose. 

127: How to get others to buy in to what you do


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In today’s episode, James talks about what can be preventing you from leveling up in your life, business and relationships. He talks about how his ego stopped him from asking the right questions, putting himself in the right environments, cultivating the right relationships and what he did to remedy it. 

126: How Your Ego Prevents You From Your Next Level


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In this third episode of the leadership series, James talks about another essential characteristic that great leaders possess- self- awareness. Being able to identify your weaknesses, strengths, fears, insecurities and hurts better equips you to serve and help others who are in similar positions. Listen to find out how to increase your own self-awareness so you can step into more of the leader you are.

125: Cultivating Self-Awareness


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Justin Hibbert is a 2x Ironman and Nightlife VIP host at Hakkasan Group. James and Justin have been friends for 8 years and on today’s episode they talk about what it was like working working in the Las Vegas club scene, aka “The industry”. They talk mindset, business, leadership and Justin’s journey to 3 Ironmans in one calendar year. 

Ep 124: From Las Vegas Nightlife to 2x Ironman with Justin Hibbert


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James talks about the second characteristic he notices in great leaders – empathy. It is important for you as a leader to understand where your team and people are at.

123: Seek To Understand


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In today’s episode, James talks about how being more open-minded when receiving feedback can make the difference between you staying the same or leveling up in your life and business. He shares his observations on what has kept himself and those that he coaches from massive growth.

120: Mindset Shift Monday: The Positivity Delusion Theory


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Be That 1% will challenge you to raise your standards, commit to greatness, and develop an UNLIMITED mindset. Join James Silvas weekly to help step into your own 1%.

119: Balance Is Overrated


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