James Silvas talks about how to prepare mentally for 2021 by asking yourself very specific questions outlined in this episode.
Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started.
Welcome to Season 4 of the Be That 1% Podcast.
In today’s episode, James Silvas shares his plans for this year and topics to expect.
This season we’re focusing heavily on leadership, how to optimize every part of your life and strengthening your relationships (personally and professionally).
In today’s episode James gets interviewed by Dominique Elise Labonte on her podcast series ‘Exploring Leadership’.
Be That 1% interview with John Silvas, a Distinguished Engineer in the Aerospace Account currently supporting the U.S. Space Force, Space Command and Control Program Office as a Chief Engineer in El Segundo, CA.
Be That 1% Interview with Dan Egeler, a 59 year old cancer survivor and retired attorney who completed 4 marathons in 24 hours and raised 100k for a local non-profit.
Be That 1% interview with Expert Nutritionist, Medical Practitioner and Author, Ryan Kennedy. Get ready to take a ton of notes as Ryan shares his best secrets with us all
James Silvas breaks down what he learned from completing 78 miles (3 Marathons) in 27 hours around Las Vegas.
Be That 1% interview with Kenji Gorré + Izabella Levey on their relationship and how they continue to evolve within their relationship and remain on the same page as their careers grow.
In today’s episode James speaks with Makaya Swain, Program Manager of the Sexual Exploited Youth Program @ The Embracing Project and discusses the impact they make and educates on how we call can help end human trafficking.
In Today’s episode, James interviews Laticia Rolle on the gifts failure brings to us.
Laticia is a Model, Actor, Author, Podcaster & Hat designer who lives to empower women to create the life they desire.