Growth Archives - Page 3 of 10 -

245. Szn 6: 5 Hard things leaders must face and become skilled at to succeed 

As a leader, you will face these 5 challenges time and time again. Your level of skill in each of these areas will make the difference between achieving a goal and falling short. Tune in to see which challenge you’ll need to improve in so that you can lead more effectively.


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Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

In this episode James provides a framework that will help you navigate people pleasing, find your voice and own your power

244. Breaking the Cycle: How to Overcome People Pleasing and Find Your Own Voice


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In today’s episode, James shares a framework he created while helping himself and his clients work through the comparison trap. He also shares a framework he learned recently that shines light on 3 areas to focus on to live life on your terms.

242. A helpful framework for navigating comparison and working through life’s 3 big gifts.


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If you are a growth oriented person, you’ll understand that every level has a new devil. You’ll notice a gap in skill and in Identity. This is where self-doubt can rear its head and destroy your consistency/ momentum.

In this episode, James will break down what self doubt is, where it can come from and strategies to work through it.

241. How to work through self-doubt as you continue to grow


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MarQuez Haynes is a former professional basketball player, a mindfulness consultant, and a coach. Today, he is President & Co-Founder of Legacy Wealth Management Group, where he teaches investors & entrepreneurs proven techniques to acquire wealth through real estate.
MarQuez is a life-long learner and an epic traveler. Join us for the episode as we walk down memory lane, learn about his impactful self-discovery journey, and understand his thought process.

238. Journey to Manhood: Embracing Self-Discovery with Marquez Haynes. 


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Relationships can be the source of our greatest joy, fulfillment and happiness while simultaneously being the greatest source of pain, frustration and stress.

Today, James shares what he sees as 7 signs that will help you recognize what relationships may no longer serve you, your goals and the type of person you choose to be.

Let this be an invitation to start the conversations necessary that will shift and/or release the relationships in your life.

235. 7 signs you’ve outgrown your relationships


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Adam Webb, Chief Revenue Officer at Sunder Energy, is a nationally ranked sales professional with diverse tactical and strategic experience in finance, marketing, human resources, and operations.

He is a seasoned leader and manager who strives to return value to the world through business and humanitarian efforts. Adam has been in the direct sales field for over 14 years now. He’s also a published author, patented inventor, a non-profit founder, and a father to 5 children.

I love his attitude towards life. He’s fun, open-minded, and exploratory. I think you’ll take away a lot from our conversation.

234. 6 Figure Summer with Adam Webb


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Jesse K. Wright, founder of the Balance The Bar initiative, is a high performance consultant, Amazon best-selling author, coach, and public speaker. His career has spanned over two decades in the team sport culture, including working with organizations in the NBA, NFL, NCAA, and in private sports training.
He has a passion for helping young professionals grow and advance in their careers and lives. Through continuing education resources and private coaching, he seeks to create awareness, recognition, and comprehensive solutions for others in both professional and personal development.
His experiences as a teammate and leader in professional sports, collegiate athletics, and in business have him uniquely positioned to provide guidance for successfully navigating and thriving in today’s challenging, high performance environments.
I wanted to find out what he has learned from the top athletes in the game. What do they do differently, and what characteristics do they cultivate, or bring into the NBA that differentiates from the rest?

228: What the Top Athletes in the Game do Differently with Jesse K. Wright


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Today James connects with owner of Peak Human Performance, Coach Alex White. Alex trains high level athletes and leaders all over the world helping them reach new levels mentally and physically.

225. Training Mind-Body connection for maximum impact with Alex White  


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In today’s episode James connects with Ben Holt, the creator of Connect and Evolve, an experiential program focused on providing resources for preventative health and full-spectrum wellness.

Ben is primarily known for his work as a Breathwork and Plant Medicine facilitator, Sound Bath Maestro, Coach, Musician, and Filmmaker.

Ben hosts retreats, training, courses, events, and workshops that help people learn to self-regulate, and feel empowered to become a healing space for others.

224. The Magic of Breathwork with Ben Holt


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