In this episode, Michelle Hoogveld talks about her creative process and how she went from working a 9-5 to living her passion of being a world renowned Painter and Muralist. She talks about her favorite projects, travel experiences and how she sets herself up to be her best every day.
Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started.
In this episode Linda Fogg-PhIllips shares her wisdom on how to achieve your desired lifestyle through creating the right habits.
In this episode James talks about his 61 mile journey around Las Vegas. He talks about why he did it, what he went through and what he learned along the way.
In this episode, Amy Morin explains what mentally strong people don’t do and how you can cultivate mental strength in your life.
In this Episode James talks about purposely putting yourself in challenging situations on the front end so when life throws the unexpected at you, you’re training will serve you well.
In this episode Emily Fletcher shares the science around what happens when you meditate. She goes into how to do it, why to do it and how it changed her life and those that she works with. Listen till the end to understand why meditation is the ultimate peak performance technique to add to your tool belt.
In this episode James talks with relationship expert Mark Groves on how to create relationships that thrive.
In this episode James talks about the three things he learned that helped in step more into his greatness and attract more success into his life.
In this episode NIKE Master Trainer and Sports Analyst Brian Buck shares how his career in baseball helped shape his mindset around failure and how it ultimately lead him to success.