Be That 1% Blog - Page 9 of 31 -

212.How to break through limiting beliefs, release control and live free w John Kempf

In this episode, John and James discuss the following:

Their recent visit to Peru for Warrior Retreats.
How to adapt to what life brings your way
How to think about attachment and control
Qi Gong and Yoga
The Mind-Body connection
The power of Presence and how to connect to the moment


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Welcome to 
Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

Today, James shares what he learned during his 14 day leadership experience with Warrior Retreats. Expand your mindset with James on IG – @James_Silvas

211. Peru Insights + Releasing Control


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Today, James continues his 4 part series centered around how to be more consistent in your personal and professional life.

210: How to be consistent part 4/4: Delayed Gratification + Keystone Habits


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Today, James continues his 4 part series centered around how to be more consistent in your personal and professional life.

209. How to be more consistent part 3: Identity Formation


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Today, James continues his 4 part series centered around how to be more consistent in your personal and professional life

208. How To Be More Consistent Part 2: Do Simple, Better.


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Today, James begins a 4 part series centered around how to be more consistent in your personal and professional life

How to be more consistent Part 1- Stop playing someone else’s game


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In this episode, we dive into the power of silence, how indigenous tribes use plants and spirit to heal the human body, the challenges of living in the jungle, navigating through fear, and learning to channel your energy. Dr. Samarpan shares his journey into creating ChiroYoga, his learnings in India, and some key pieces to finding your soul’s calling that he’s learned by living in the Amazon.

206.Purpose, Chiro-Yoga and Indigenous Teachings From the Amazon with Dr. Samarpan Buchalter


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Today, we are talking about one small shift that will help you maximize your time, energy, resources and money.

205. One small shift that will help you maximize your energy, money and time.


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Today, I’m talking with Performance Coach and CEO of Master Your Mindset, Collin Henderson. In this episode, Collin shares with us common tendencies that block leaders from greater success, how to detach our self worth from the outcome, how to reprogram our limiting thoughts and become more confident. This episode is full of one liners, enjoy!

Master Your Mindset w Collin Henderson


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In today’s reverse episode James appears on the Boldly Courageous Podcast hosted by Melissa Martin. James and Melissa have a conversation centered around thought leadership, what it means to be a leader and how to live a 1% lifestyle.

203: The Subtleties of Leadership with James Silvas


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