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142: Mind- Body Connection w Kate Horsman

In today’s episode, James interviews Kate Horsman. Kate is a Counsellor, Nutritionist and Mindfulness Leader in Vancouver BC. Her training through both professional counseling and nutrition, provide a bridge between the mind-body connection which lends greatly to her specialization in Eating Disorders and Mental Illness. As a holistic counsellor, Kate utilizes tools of all mediums, towards the possibility for change.


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Welcome to 
Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

Today on the show, Dr. Jeremy Goldberg makes an appearance. Jeremy is a Mentor, Author, Podcast Host, TED X Speaker, Spoken word poet and a behavioral scientist. His mission is to make kindness cool, empathy popular and compassion commonplace. He leads an online tribe of 55,000 badass humans and helps them live more of their truth. 

140: Why Adversity and Pain Are Vital To Success w Dr. Jeremy Goldberg


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Today on the episode James talks with his wife Amanda on what morning habits they have started doing recently that has made a huge difference in their productivity and quality of life. 

137: A Game Changing Habit To Start Doing w Amanda Silvas


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In today’s episode, James talks about the lessons he learned while training and finishing the IRONMAN 70.3 in Santa Cruz on September 8, 2019. 

134: Lessons From My Ironman 70.3


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Client and friend Natasha Leas is the owner of Studio360, a dance studio  in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She was working two jobs for years, keeping the the security of a 9-5 while growing her dream of owning her own studio on the side. Then came the moment where she decided to go all in. Since then, she never looked back and her business has continued to grow exponentially. Listen to her journey and let it be a reminder that whatever your dream is, it can become a reality. 

133: From Working the 9-5 to Dream Maker with Natasha Leas (Client Case Study)


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Hall of fame UNLV football captain, Ron Drake is a Sales Director at Caesars Entertainment and manages projects all over the world. He has found a way to empower his team through very simple techniques that allows his team to own their positions and shine. James interviews Ron on how he builds high performing teams in multiple countries and strengthens his leaders to overcome challenges so they can achieve their desired goals. 

132: The Essentials For Leading and Building A Team w Ron Drake


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In today’s episode, James continues the leadership series with Characteristic/Trait #4 of great leaders- the power of a vision and a purpose. 

127: How to get others to buy in to what you do


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Today’s guest is Meredith Cochran,  founder and CEO of The Osso Good Co., makers of ridiculously good superfoods.  The Osso Good Co. is one of the top selling bone broths online to date, and the original creator of the “bone broth waffle”. 

122: Food Is Medicine w Meredith Cochran


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In today’s episode, James talks about how being more open-minded when receiving feedback can make the difference between you staying the same or leveling up in your life and business. He shares his observations on what has kept himself and those that he coaches from massive growth.

120: Mindset Shift Monday: The Positivity Delusion Theory


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Be That 1% will challenge you to raise your standards, commit to greatness, and develop an UNLIMITED mindset. Join James Silvas weekly to help step into your own 1%.

119: Balance Is Overrated


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