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060: Don’t Stop Beleafing with Dan Bernstein

Welcome to episode 60 with Dan Bernstein, an entrepreneur who went from finance to farming. In this episode we dive into the topic of food with an emphasis on microgreens. Microgreens have been appearing in dishes all over the world and we wanted to learn more. In this episode, Dan teaches us about microgreens and why they are important. Be ready to take some notes, Dan has a lot of great information to share about what we can put into our bodies for maximum efficiency!


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Welcome to 
Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

Welcome to episode 59 where we are interviewed on the ProjectME Podcast with Tiffany Carter. In this episode we talk about how Be That 1% came to be, the challenges we have faced, and how our dream became a 6 figure business.

059: How Your Dream Can Turn Into A 6 Figure Business


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Welcome to Episode 57 with Nike Master Trainer and positive energy dealer Kirsty Godso. From the time Kirsty was a young girl in New Zealand she knew that she wanted to work for Nike. She was relentless in her pursuit and today she shares with us the lessons she’s learned, the importance of having positive internal dialogue, and the standards she now lives by in order to continue to show up as the best version of herself.

057: Be A Call To Action with Kirsty Godso


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Welcome to Episode 56 where we bring you a short but powerful motivational segment. In this episode James and Amanda discuss the “act as if” concept and how using it consistently can help you level up.

056: Act As If – Motivational Segment with James Silvas


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Welcome to Episode 55 with Brian Cain where he shares life hacks for traveling the world. Brian has traveled to 45 countries so far and is the Founder and Director of 365 abroad, a social media travel brand. Through his brand, Brian provides resources for people who want to travel. In this episode Brian shares the wisdom he’s gathered while traveling the world, along with plenty of tips and tricks.

055: Life Hacks for Traveling the World with Brian Cain


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Welcome to Episode 54 with Ronda Wynn. Ronda is an empowerment coach and lifehacker. She helps women transition into lives that they’re absolutely in love with. In this episode, Ronda really breaks down how she put herself out there in her community and the importance of simply showing up. Amanda and Ronda also discuss the game changing power of community, giving away your knowledge, and building an attraction based business.

054: Live Your Dream Life in Real Life with Ronda Wynn


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Welcome to Episode 53 with James and Amanda. In this episode they discuss 5 ways you can start breaking through your complacency and laziness right now! We all experience those moments in our lives where we are in a mental state that just isn’t serving us. This episode will provide you with exact methods you can use to shift into a more empowered state that can help you get to the next level.

053: 5 Ways to Bust Through Your Complacency & Laziness


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Welcome to Episode 52 with Chris Harder on Leveling Up Your Thoughts About Money. Chris runs not one, but two multimillion dollar businesses with his wife Lori Harder. On this episode, Chris shares with us what he has learned over the years about money and how ego, tribe, and positive propaganda play a huge role on whether we make more money or deter it from our lives. Chris leaves us with a lot of tactical advice that we can implement right now in our lives to get closer to making the amount of money that we want.

052: Level Up Your Thoughts About Money with Chris Harder


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Welcome to episode 051 with Amanda where she explains how having more clarity can help us create confidence in areas where we may be lacking it. Are there any areas in your life where you can get more clear? If so, we encourage you to download the free worksheet in the show notes and answer the questions for yourself in order to gain more clarity and confidence.  

051: Clarity Creates Confidence + Free Worksheet!


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Welcome to episode 050 with Nichole Sylvester. In this episode Amanda and Nichole dive into willingness, awakening, abundance, and money consciousness. Nichole shares the mindset, language, and tools she uses while envisioning and working on her future.

050: Oh SHIFT Into Your Greatest Self with Nichole Sylvester


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