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160: Leading in times of stress w Christopher West

In today’s episode, Christopher West  joins James as they dive deep into how to lead in times of uncertainty, stress and crises.


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Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

In today’s episode James reconnects with Diamandia Lingo for Part 2. Diamandia continues to share the series of traumatic moments she faced and what she learned from facing her fear and taking responsibility for her life. 

159: Rising From The Ashes Pt 2 w Diamandia Lingos


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In today’s episode James connects with Diamandia Lingos as she shares the series of traumatic moments she has faced that led to her rising from the ashes in her life.  Listen to her POWERFUL story. 

158: Rising From The Ashes with Diamandia Lingos


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Today’s episode is from an IG LIVE James did with Branden Collinsworth. 
This isn’t Branden’s first time on the show he has been on 2 previous episodes, #20 & #130. Branden is most known for his work as a Nike Master Trainer and being the Creator of Warrior Retreats, a unique leadership experience that takes place every year in Peru. 
He has his Masters in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania He studied under Angela Duckworth, Adam Grant and other greats in the positive psychology world.    
Join in on the conversation as they dive deep into how the times we are facing now, are shaping us in ways that we may not see. Now, is the time to step into another version of you by getting back to the basics. 

157: Back To The Basics with Branden Collinsworth


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In today’s episode, Amanda + James Silvas talk about tools and strategies to communicate effectively which have helped their relationship and their clients relationships experience more trust, connection, understanding and love. Listen in to increase your level awareness around how you show up to conversation and what to pay attention to. 

155: How to communicate effectively w Amanda Silvas


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In today’s episode James talks about ways you can capture your own greatness & become your own teacher and answering the call to go on the Hero’s Journey. Tune in to how you can continue to evolve into a stronger leader, more connected partner and loving individual. 

154: The Hero’s Journey


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Lauren Unger joins James today on the show to discuss how we can expand our level of awareness to invite more possibilities into our life. 
Lauren Courtney is a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master, Sound Healer and Intuitive Medium. She has been initiated as a Shaman in the Q’ero lineage and by the Deva of Mugwort. Most recently she has taken a deep dive into true body intelligence to explore the body’s systems. Lauren is based out of Miami. 

153: Open Your Mind To The Possibilities w Lauren Courtney


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In today’s episode James takes you back in time to where he worked in the Las Vegas Nightlife at the worlds #1 Day Club, Wet Republic. It was July 2014 in the 117 degree heat where James received an unexpected piece of advice that was worth millions.  He didn’t realize it at the time, but this piece of advice would help him double down on what he wanted to create in his life. Listen in and see how you can apply this knowledge.

151: An unexpected piece of advice worth MILLIONS.


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Thank you Kobe for being a phenomenal leader, father, husband, philanthropist and human. You will be remembered by Millions. Thank you for the work you did to help shift the world. #24 #8 #GOAT 

150: Thank you, Kobe


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On today’s episode, James talks about the Presence Experiment he conducted in November 2019. A research study to test people’s response to being present with someone. He sat across from 16 different people from all over the world. He describes what he experienced. Listen in on what his take-aways were. 

149: The Presence Experiment


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