Be That 1% Blog - Page 28 of 31 -

021: Never Be Controlled By These 3 Things

In this episode we talk about the three things you should never be controlled by: the past, money, and other people. As we end this month of March and our theme “Master-Minds”, we believe it’s imperative to understand these three things and how they impact your life. If you want to go to the next level and if you want to perform higher, gaining awareness of how these things control your life is key.


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Welcome to 
Be That 1%

Chances are you're really good at what you do and you're here because you're ready to level up from good to GREAT, so let's get started. 


get ready to level up

Branden Collinsworth, CSCS, MAPP, is a Nike Master Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Human Performance Coach and Humanitarian. He is the Co-Founder of Real Results Fitness and Founder of Warrior Retreats in Peru. Branden has his Masters in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He studied under Angela Duckworth, Adam Grant and other greats in the positive psychology world. He’s currently studying in Bali, Indonesia. 

020: Branden Collinsworth from High School Dropout to Nike Master Trainer and Entrepreneur


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It’s been a year since we attended Tony Robbin’s Unleash The Power Within Event in Los Angeles and so we thought it’d be a good refresher of the material for us and to make an episode out of it as a ‘mini’ crash course from the content from the event.  Our goal for this episode is to give you an inside look at this event and what we learned from it. There’s a FREE DOWNLOAD that goes along with this episode. It’s a workbook that we created that highlights some of the material that we felt was most impactful from the event.

019: Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs – Lessons from Tony Robbins’ UPW Event


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Dr. Mark Guadagnoli is a professor of Neuroscience and Neurology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine.  He also serves and the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Director of learning and Performance for the School, and President of Triad Consulting, Inc.  Additionally, Dr. Guadagnoli has lectured at several universities including Harvard University, MIT, UCLA, UNLV, and USC.  He has been featured in several publication including The New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, GolfDigest, and appeared on programs such as, the History Channel and CBS Sports.

018: Playing To Win with Dr. Mark Guadagnoli


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We are sharing all the highs and lows behind our business and life in the month of February 2018.

017: Couch Conversations | February


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In this episode James and Amanda are going to challenge you to do a little something different.

What we talk about is mainly geared towards relationships and finding that significant other HOWEVER you can use this concept for finding your dream job or for developing the things you want in life.

016 : Finding The One vs. Being The One


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Special BONUS episode with one of our event attendee’s Heather Hawes. She shares her testimony and self love journey since the day of the event.

015 : BONUS Episode with Heather Hawes on her Be That 1% Experience


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Michael Grema brought TEDxUNLV to Las Vegas in 2014 while he was a student at the University. After graduating he worked on creating TEDxLasVegas and is a main contributor of overseeing the integrity of the events.

Michael is involved in rebranding the Las Vegas city through incorporating more Tech and Entrepreneurship opportunities. He co-organized Las Vegas Startup Weekend and is heavily involved in TechStars and VegasTech. 

In 2016, he was featured as MyVegas Magazine’s Top 100 Men of the Year.

014 : Building Meaningful Relationships with Michael Grema


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Too often we get stuck in our heads, over analyzing, dissect and triple checking things, we’re afraid to make a mistake or scared to look stupid and we do our best to be perfect for the world that isn’t perfect.

013: Motivational Friday – It’s Not Done


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Welcome to the Be That 1% Podcast Experience! Happy Valentine’s Day! Our goal for this episode is to share some insights that will help you create the foundation for a strong relationship that’s constantly growing and moving in the same direction. We share some stories about our own relationship and bring you in on how […]

012 : 5 Steps To Creating A Thriving Relationship


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